Jobs done we settled down to relax and enjoyed some great weather given this was March (2016). At this point we were exploring and getting to know Vejer (we still are!). Vejer is not a big place. It seems like you can get anywhere in town within a 15 minute walk from Casa Colina Blanca. There is a distant statue on the skyline that you can just make out from our terrace, close to some mobile phone masts. So off we went to explore and discover an interesting short stroll.
Down to Supersol and up Juan XXIII, then right onto Calle José Maria Pemán which is effectively the western edge of Vejer before the hill drops down towards the coast. We often see paragliders floating on the edge here, no doubt catching the up-draughts when the wind blows in from the sea. There are several old windmills along the edge and as the road merges into Calle Miramundo, there is an old windmill (Molino de Santa Inés) and viewpoint looking towards Trafalgar and the coast.

Further along and up to the left is the statue of Jesus and what is one of the best but not well-known viewpoints in the area. Highly recommended for wonderful photo opportunities at sunrise and sunset. It is also worth knowing that you can wiggle a direct route to or from the statue from Casa Colina Blanca in less than 10 minutes – check a local street map and you can figure it out.
